Financial Support - How does it work?

External participants will be granted reimbursement of 80€/day on receipt given that the required minimum stay of 10 days is fulfilled. Participants with residency in the Munich area or Garching are deemed local and are therefore not eligible for financial support.

Reimbursement on receipts

How to calculate the total amount:

  • Count number of weekdays at the programme + days of the weekend(s) in between [at which you are staying in the Garching/Munich area].
  • Multiply number of days with 80€ = total amount.
  • In case you arrive before your first day at MIAPbP (+ 40€) or leave after your last day at MIAPbP (+ 40€) please add the sum to the total amount.
  • In case you are eligible for family support, you will receive 80€/day + 40€/day for 1 child + 20€/day per sibling (i. e. participants with 1 child = 120€/day; participant with 2 children = 140€/day). For an earlier arrival or later departure you will receive 60€ (instead of 40€) if accompanied by your family. Allowances are as indicated below.

Reimbursement on receipt is refund based on travel receipts. You have to provide original invoices (for travel, accommodation, public transportation). In case MIAPbP does not cover an invoice completely, we will return the original after noting the amount covered by MIAPbP.

Please make sure to have the invoices issued to your home address.


Up to 80€ is refunded on the presentation of original receipts for travel and lodging. This does not contain a taxable income.

You stay at MIAPbP for two weeks (10 working days) and arrive one day before and leave one day after your participation in the program. This makes a total of 12 days of participation (12 x 80€) and additional financial support for your day of arrival and departure (2 x 40€).

In that case you will receive a total amount of 1040€.

If you have further questions, please contact: info(at)